DriverMax 5.31

  • Categoría: Drivers
  • Licencia: Freeware
  • Tamaño: 3.07 KB
  • Sistema: wXP vista w7 w8
  • Idiomas:

DriverMax will help you maintain your drivers.

Normally, after formatting your PC, you have to reinstall your drivers for external and perihperical elements, Although you know that Windows does this operation automatically with drivers chosen from its database, it is always recommended to install specific software from the manufacturer to avoid any type of problem or incompatibility. For this reason it's important to take a look at this program: DriverMax.

It is a very useful application that will save you time and effort, above all when looking for drivers. DriverMax stores and compiles all the drivers in your PC into one file. When you need to reinstall them after formatting, or for any other reason, you can access them in a short time, via an assistant. The complete process will take from 5 to 10 minutes.

After the drivers have been installed, you just have to restart the system. DriverMax is also capable of showing a complete report on all the drivers (version, launch date, etc) found installed in your PC. This feature is also useful when you want to analyze the differences between drivers in different PCs.

So there you have it. If you want to make sure your drivers are in tip top condition, then you need a program like this DriverMax. And best of all is that you can download it for free! What are you waiting for?

NOTE: You just have to register for free on the author's website to be able to use DriverMax normally.


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